Green Tea Increases Metabolism

Green Tea Extract Increases Metabolism, May Aid in Weight Loss
In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. Whilesome of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine content of green tea, the researchers discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by the caffeine. 

The same amount of caffeine as was in the green tea, administered alone, failed to change energy expenditure in other studies. This led reseachers to believe that there is some interaction going on with the active ingredients of green tea that promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation. 

The researchers indicated that their findings have substantial implications for weight control. A 4% overall increase in 24-hour energy expenditure was attributed to the green tea extract, however, the research found that the extra expenditure took place during the daytime. This led them to conclude that, since thermogenesis (the body's own rate of burning calories) contributes 8-10% of daily energy expenditure in a typical cubject, that this 4% overall increase in energy expenditure due to the green tea actually translated to a 35-43% increase in daytime thermogenesis.

Developing A Tight, Lean Body Using Carbohydrates

I just wrapped up a series of weight loss and health enhancement seminars in Florida, and during that seminar I spoke about how I personally break up carbohydrates when working with my personal clients to create a diet that’s going to help them lose weight and develop a tight body.

Now obviously, there’s technically only one form of macro-nutrients known as carbohydrates, and in that category we can break it down into 2 sub-categories known as ’simple’ and ‘complex’ carbohydrates, but when thinking about developing ultimate health, fast fat-loss, or maximizing your metabolism - there’s really a much better way to think about carbohydrates.

Classification 1: Vegetables. This is the class of carbohydrates you should strive to choose from at all times, meaning that you really should have a serving of fresh, preferably raw, vegetables in almost every meal of the day.

Classification 2: Moderately processed carbohydrates like brown rice, whole grain pastas or breads, or other all-natural (organic) products. This class of carbohydrates could be added every once in awhile, assuming that the rest of your diet has been going pretty well so far - but add these sparingly to your diet because they come with none of the real health or weight loss benefits that the carbohydrates in Class 1 have.

Classification 3: Heavily processed carbohydrates like white bread, sugar products, cookies, cakes, etc - better known as ‘junk food’. This category of carbohydrates is the category to avoid if your goal is to lose weight and develop a tight, lean body without dieting too strictly.

Overweight - Can I still be considered healthy

You can be overweight and still be relatively fit. But it depends if the extra weight you carry is muscle or fat. If the extra pounds are muscle, your risk of disease is lower than if this weight was fat. If your extra weight is fat, you are at increased risk of diabetes, cancer and stroke — even if you exercise.

However, this doesn't mean you're not benefiting from exercise if you're overweight or obese. You are. Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of certain diseases. However, your weight is also important to your health. For example, if you're overweight or obese, you can reduce your risk of heart disease if you exercise — but you're still at increased risk of diabetes if you don't lose weight. Also, carrying extra pounds into your 40s and 50s may put you at increased risk of developing diabetes and heart disease later in life — even if you have no other risk factors for these diseases.

Still, it's important to remember that the number on the scale isn't the whole key to your fitness. Even thin people are at increased risk of heart disease if they're not active. The exercise you're doing helps improve your overall health. So keep it up.

Regular physical activity is an essential component to maintaining muscle and a healthy weight. Health experts recommend at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity five or more days a week. To lose weight, increase the duration and intensity of your exercise, eat a healthy diet and cut back on your portions.

Losing Weight - The Facts

We all want to lose a few pounds and look great, especially through those summer months but the average person does not succeed in keeping those pounds off, if they lose the weight at all. The reason for this is that many people follow the latest "celebrity" diets which are good for quick weight loss but are not good for your health or for keeping the weight off.

It is scientifically proven that if you follow a diet where you lose to much weight to quickly then you are starving your body of certain nutrients it needs, when you start moving towards eating a normal diet your body will automatically store these nutrients within the body in case this should happen again.

If you want to lose weight there are some golden rules you need to follow

* Eat 3 meals a day
* Eat less
* Eat healthy
* Eat from all the food groups (Protein, Carbohydrates, Fat)
* Exercise

What we want to achieve is to still eat 3 meals a day, just in smaller quantites and with healthier food. Within the 3 meals we still need all the different food groups for our body to function correctly so we still need our protein, carbohydrates and our fats. Another important factor for losing weight is exercise, I don't mean running a marathon, but if you can spare 20 or 30 minutes a day for a walk or a light jog you will certainly feel the benefits.

If you want to lose the weight quickly then it will only last short term, if you set your goals and take your time losing the weight correctly then you will see the benefits for a long time to come. Losig weight is not just about physical looks, it's about mental well being and your future health.

Weight Loss Is Just Simple Math

Think of your body as a giant scale. That scale is a perfect analogy for gaining and losing weight. Think of putting "calories you burn" on one side and "calories you eat" on the other side. 

To maintain your current weight, the scale needs to be balanced. If you eat more calories than your body needs, you tip the scale. These extra calories are stored as fat -- on your hips, butt, stomach, chest, face, etc., etc. etc. (feel free to add your personal trouble spot here).

To loose weight, you want to tip the scale in the other direction, so that there is a calorie deficit, not a calorie surplus. To lose one pound of body fat, you have to burn (or not eat) 3500 calories. 

There are three ways to lose weight: 

1) Increase your metabolism. One way to do this is to gain lean muscle (through strength training). For every pound of muscle you gain, your body burns 50 more calories a day. This means that with more muscle you can eat the same amount and still lose some weight.

2) Eat less. To lose one pound of fat a week, you need to cut 500 calories a day from your diet. With 1000 fewer calories a day you will lose two pounds a week. This may sound like a lot of calories. It's important to know that it is.

3) Workout more. If you just exercise, you would have to walk on a treadmill at 4 MPH for 1.5 hours a day, seven days a week, to lose two pounds of fat a week. 

The perfect way to lose weight is to do all three.

If you increase your metabolism, eat less, and workout more, you will lose weight. It will be easier and less painful than drastically cutting back on your calories or becoming a slave to the treadmill.

Diabetic Diets

After being diagnosed with diabetes, one has to come to terms with it and make a few changes to their lifestyle. At the most, they will be put on a new diet plan.   One does not have to skip meals or avoid eating food that one has always loved completely in order to follow a diet plan. In fact, skipping meals only increases the sugar levels in one’s body. 

For instance, fried, pureed or oily items can increase one’s blood sugar levels. Choose foods items that can act as a healthy substitute to these such as low fat dairy, meat substitutes, green vegetables and fruits.

A diabetic diet is a balanced diet featuring fresh fruits, vegetables, fats, proteins and most dairy products. Although diabetes cannot always be completely cured, it can be brought under control. It is essential to moderate one’s food intake and do regular exercise in order to maintain a healthy diet.

Eating fibrous food items can also reduce one’s weight considerably. These also help reduce the sugar levels in turn. Some instances of fibrous foods are oat bran, beans, rice bran, and cereals and so on. Garlic helps keep diabetes at bay. It is rich in potassium, zinc and sulphur and helps reduce blood-sugar levels.

Avoid salty foods, as they can increase sugar levels. Since one might already get enough salt from vegetables or other natural foods, they should reduce its intake.

Last but not least one should be constantly in touch with a physician who can help them to not only prepare an effective diet, to also take steps to keep their diabetes under control.

How To Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Would you like to know how to calculate your body fat percentage? When most of us think about about losing weight, the amount of fat you are carrying around is actually much more important than weight. 

If you should be measuring anything, it should be body fat percentage, not weight. Your weight does not accurately reflect the level of your fitness. 

Body fat is measured with what is known as Body Mass Index, or BMI. 

A women that is in shape should have a body fat percentage range from 21% to 31%. 

If you are in fantastic shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 10%. 

For men, if you are fit and in shape, your body fat percentage should be between 14% and 25%. If you are in excellent shape, your body fat percentage could be as low as 2%. 

To calculate your body fat percentage, write down how much you weigh but you have to be honest. Remember, no one will see this but you. Multiply your weight by 703. 

Next, write down your height, in inches. Multiply by that same number. Then you will divide your weight number by your height number. That is your BMI. 

For example, if your weight were 150 pounds x 703, your weight answer would be 105,450. If your height is 5’4”, that would be 64 inches x 64 for a total of 4,096. Taking the 105,450 divided by 4,096, you come out with a BMI of 25.7. 

There are other ways to measure your body fat percentage but this will give you a quick idea of where you are at. 

If you are thinking about about losing weight, remember the amount of fat you are carry around is actually much more important than weight. 

If you use the method above to figure out your current body fat percentage, you'll be on your way to a much healthier fitness level.